Hi, I'm Shidqi 👋

I'm Frontend Developer. Currently learning everything. I publish my experiment project on Github.

Technical Skills

I am a graduate of Electrical Engineering. In college, I don't learn specifics about programming languages. I became interested in web development when I was doing my final project. It led me to learn more about this knowledge further and take the opportunity to have a career in software development. Here is the technology I use:


Markup and Stylesheet

HTML and CSS are technologies that I learned first of my interest in web development. Then I got to know about SASS which made me write more efficient CSS code. Finally, in 2022 I learned about Tailwind, a tool that allows me to write CSS code even faster without moving away from the HTML code I'm currently writing.


Frontend Environment

At first, I studied Javascript so that I could make interactions on the web. I realized that many of the same programs I wrote over and over again. This issue led me to learn about React library so that I can create a reusable component in any part of my web. Then I started to learn Next, a framework for React app. Finally, I learn Svelte.js for my last company.


Backend Environment

I started learning PHP for my final project, for management data on server side. Until in the end, I learned about Laravel in my courses, a framework that makes it easy for me to create complex back end applications. And of course I need MySQL as database management for application data storage.

Project That I Have Build

I always looking for new challenges, and always trying to improve myself. Here's a list of my projects you might be interested in.

Forum Discuss

May 2023

Website to discuss and ask questions or threads about any topic related to technology like Stackoverflow. This is the project submission in React Expert class on Dicoding. I build it with React.js, TailwindCSS, Redux, and several libraries for loading and toast notifications. Implements ESLint for consistency and clean code. Also, automation tests like unit tests and integration tests using Jest, component tests using React Testing Library (RTL), and end-to-end tests using Cypress. To deploy the app I use Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) methods using GitHub Action and Vercel.

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Raffialdo Personal Web

April 2023

Web profile Raffialdo, UI/UX Designer from Indonesia and also my friend. The design is made by him and I help him to make it live.

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Listhink Studio Web

April 2023

Company profile for Listhink Studio, a freelance studio that focus to make UI design and web development for client. Build with Next.js, TailwindCSS, and Redux. Provided with English and Indonesian content.

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Hello, if you interested to talk with me, I am available at any time, please do reach me at one of my social media below, or you can click the button below to send me an email, thank you!

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© 2022 - Shidqi Rifat Pangestu